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Audit Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income/(Loss)
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes Details
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Parenthetical (Details)
Notes to Financial Statements
Accounting Policies
New Standards and Interpretations Not Yet Adopted
Segment Information
Investments held at fair value
Investments in Associates
Operating Expenses
Share-based Payments
Finance Cost, Net
Earnings/(Loss) per Share
Property and Equipment
Intangible Assets
Other Financial Assets
Subsidiary Preferred Shares
Financial Instruments
Subsidiary Notes Payable
Non-Controlling Interest
Trade and Other Payables
Long-term loan
Capital and Financial Risk Management
Commitments and Contingencies
Related Parties Transactions
Subsequent Events
Accounting Policies
Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Accounting Policies (Tables)
Revenue (Tables)
Segment Information (Tables)
Investments held at fair value (Tables)
Investments in Associates (Tables)
Operating Expenses (Tables)
Share-based Payments (Tables)
Finance Cost, Net (Tables)
Earnings/(Loss) per Share (Tables)
Property and Equipment (Tables)
Intangible Assets (Tables)
Other Financial Assets (Tables)
Equity (Tables)
Subsidiary Preferred Shares (Tables)
Financial Instruments (Tables)
Subsidiary Notes Payable (Tables)
Non-Controlling Interest (Tables)
Trade and Other Payables (Tables)
Long-term loan (Tables)
Leases (Tables)
Capital and Financial Risk Management (Tables)
Related Parties Transactions (Tables)
Taxation (Tables)
Notes Details
Accounting Policies - Subsidiaries (Details)
Accounting Policies - Property and equipment (Details)
Accounting Policies - Narrative (Details)
Revenue - Disclosure of revenue (Details)
Revenue - Disaggregation of revenue, timing of contract (Details)
Revenue - Disaggregation of revenue, customers over 10% of revenue (Details)
Revenue - Contract balances (Details)
Revenue - Narrative (Details)
Segment Information (Details)
Investments held at fair value - Summary of investments held at fair value (Details)
Investments held at fair value - Narrative (Details)
Investments in Associates - Narrative (Details)
Investments in Associates - Summary of Investments in associates (Details)
Investments in Associates - Summary of financial information of Gelesis (Details)
Operating Expenses - Disclosure of total operating expense (Details)
Operating Expenses - Disclosure of information about employees (Details)
Operating Expenses - Disclosure of payroll costs (Details)
Operating Expenses - Disclosure of other operating expense (Details)
Operating Expenses - Disclosure of auditor's remuneration (Details)
Share-based Payments - Disclosure of share-based payment expense as reflected in the Consolidated Statement of Income/(Loss) (Details)
Share-based Payments - Narrative - Performance share plan (Details)
Share-based Payments - Disclosure of RSU activity (Details)
Share-based Payments - Narrative - RSU (Details)
Share-based Payments - Disclosure of stock option activity (Details)
Share-based Payments - Disclosure of terms and conditions of share-based payment arrangement (Details)
Share-based Payments - Narrative - Stock options (Details)
Share-based Payments - Disclosure of range of exercise prices of outstanding share options (Details)
Share-based Payments - Disclosure of subsidiary share-based payments (Details)
Share-based Payments - Disclosure of weighted average exercise prices for options outstanding (Details)
Share-based Payments - Disclosure of weighted average exercise prices for options granted (Details)
Share-based Payments - Disclosure of weighted average exercise prices for options forfeited (Details)
Share-based Payments - Disclosure of weighted average exercise prices for options exercised (Details)
Share-based Payments - Disclosure of weighted average exercise prices for options exercisable (Details)
Share-based Payments - Narrative - Vedanta 2010 Plan (Details)
Share-based Payments - Disclosure of range of assumptions of fair value of stock option grants (Details)
Share-based Payments - Narrative - Other plans (Details)
Finance Cost, Net - Disclosure of finance income (cost) (Details)
Earnings/(Loss) per share - Narrative (Details)
Earnings/(Loss) per Share - Disclosure of earnings/(loss) attributable to owners of company (Details)
Earnings/(Loss) per Share - Disclosure of weighted-average number of ordinary shares (Details)
Earnings/(Loss) per Share - Disclosure of earnings/(loss) per share (Details)
Property and Equipment - Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment (Details)
Property and Equipment - Disclosure of accumulated depreciation and impairment loss (Details)
Property and Equipment - Disclosure of property & equipment, net (Details)
Property and Equipment - Narrative (Details)
Intangible Assets - Disclosure of detailed information about intangible assets (Details)
Intangible Assets - Disclosure of accumulated amortization (Details)
Intangible Assets - Disclosure of intangible assets, net (Details)
Intangible Assets - Narrative (Details)
Other Financial Assets - Disclosure of other financial assets (Details)
Equity - Disclosure of equity (Details)
Equity - Narrative (Details)
Subsidiary Preferred Shares - Disclosure of subsidiary preferred share balances (Details)
Subsidiary Preferred Shares - Disclosure of subsidiary preferred shares, minimum liquidation preference (Details)
Subsidiary Preferred Shares - Changes in value (Details)
Subsidiary Preferred Shares - Narrative (Details)
Financial Instruments - Disclosure of changes in financial liabilities, level 3 fair value - subsidiary preferred shares and convertible notes (Details)
Financial Instruments - Disclosure of significant unobservable inputs, level 3 fair value - preferred shares liability (Details)
Financial Instruments - Disclosure of sensitivity analysis of fair value measurement to changes in unobservable inputs, liabilities (Details)
Financial Instruments - Narrative - Financial assets held at fair value (Details)
Financial Instruments - Disclosure of changes in assets, level 3 fair value - investments held at fair value (Details)
Financial Instruments - Disclosure of significant unobservable inputs - investments at fair value, assets (Details)
Financial Instruments - Disclosure of changes in financial liabilities - warrants (Details)
Financial Instruments - Narrative - Warrants (Details)
Financial Instruments - Narrative - Short-term note from associate (Details)
Financial Instruments - Narrative - Convertible note from associate (Details)
Financial Instruments - Disclosure of fair value measurement and classification (Details)
Subsidiary Notes Payable - Disclosure of subsidiary notes payable (Details)
Subsidiary Notes Payable - Narrative - Loans (Details)
Subsidiary Notes Payable - Disclosure of convertible notes (Details)
Subsidiary Notes Payable - Narrative - Convertible Notes (Details)
Non-Controlling Interest - Disclosure of changes in equity classified non-controlling ownership interests in subsidiaries (Details)
Non-Controlling Interest - Disclosure of aggregation of subsidiaries with material non-controlling interests before intra-group eliminations (Details)
Non-Controlling Interest - Narrative (Details)
Trade and Other Payables - Disclosure of trade and other payables (Details)
Long-term loan - Narrative (Details)
Long-term loan - Disclosure of long-term loan obligations (Details)
Long-term loan - Disclosure of long-term loan - Vedanta (Details)
Long-term loan - Disclosure of detailed information about borrowings (Details)
Leases - Disclosure of quantitative information about right-of-use assets (Details)
Leases - Disclosure of lease liabilities (Details)
Leases - Narrative (Details)
Leases - Disclosure of short-term and long-term portion of lease liability (Details)
Leases - Disclosure of maturity analysis of operating lease payments (Details)
Leases - Disclosure of short-term and long-term portion of lease receivable (Details)
Leases - Disclosure of maturity analysis of finance lease payments receivable (Details)
Capital and Financial Risk Management - Credit risk (Details)
Capital and Financial Risk Management - Not impaired (Details)
Capital and Financial Risk Management - Liquidity risk (Details)
Capital and Financial Risk Management - Narrative (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Details)
Related Parties Transactions - Narrative (Details)
Related Parties Transactions - Disclosure of key management personnel compensation (Details)
Related Parties Transactions - Disclosure of directors’ and senior managers’ shareholdings and share incentive awards (Details)
Taxation - Narrative (Details)
Taxation - Disclosure of income taxes recognized in comprehensive income (Details)
Taxation - Disclosure of recognized income tax expense (Details)
Taxation - Disclosure of reconciliation of effective tax rate (Details)
Taxation - Disclosure of deferred taxes (Details)
Taxation - Disclosure of unrecognized deferred tax assets (Details)
Taxation - Disclosure of unrecognized tax losses and tax credits carryforwards (Details)
Taxation - Disclosure of tax balances as presented in statement of financial position (Details)
Subsequent Events (Details)
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